Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Recovery....Thank Goodness

I'm a little knotted up from yesterday's pin pulls. Good thing I can still move, 'cause I needed to. I cranked out a little superset with the last class of the night. Things were going crazy, people were moving everywhere, Kettlebells, Sledge Hammers, Medicine Balls and Jump Ropes were being flung in every which way and direction (under control of course).

Classes were pretty fun and the students were given freedom of choice and did a great job pushing themselves. We played around with the new tire and Keith got the gymnastic bug and just had to run on the tire, so we obliged him.
I worked some pull ups and practiced some pistols with some weighted step ups.
Pull Ups
12kg - 5x5
Superset w/
Pistol w/ 32kg - Right Leg Only - 5x2
Weighted Step Ups - 32kg - Left Leg Only 5x5-10

A little explanation...
I had surgery on my left knee in Sept. of 2006 (Medial Meniscus, Cysts, Floaties...etc.) Supposedly all is fixed, I rehabed for 3 months, but I still hear rice krispies when I extend my knee joint and can't even pistol with body weight. A very weak, struggling pistol while holding the rack is the best I can muster. Soooo, I'm still in strength-mode to catch up with the "good" leg. What's crazy, that's about the only move that bothers it. I still get swelling and soreness from other stuff, mainly squats, but it never bothers me as much as trying pistols.
I got my first gym shirts in yesterday. They came out pretty cool, I thought. They look good on the black shirts too.

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