Friday, October 30, 2009

The Only Cure Is More Kettlebell!

So I get into the gym yesterday and one of my good friends and clients dropped off a belated birthday gift.

A small box of T-shirts with this graphic it on it!

If you don't get the reference, check out this Youtube link.

Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken starred in arguably one of the funniest Saturday Night Live skits.

Well, most of the people I run into and talk about kettlebells for the first time (friends included), you get all kinds of reactions. "Cowbell?" "Kettle Ball?" "Cow Ball?"

Anyway, I thought this was pretty funny.

Since I don't have very many, I'm probably going to hang on to them and give them away as prizes or incentives to clients.

So, be at your best, 'cause you'll want one of these T-shirts!

Don't forget about the upcoming HKC here at Lone Star Kettlebell! We might be giving out a couple there as well!

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