A place to catalog thoughts, revelations and new experiences on my quest for knowledge and strength.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
I'm taking a bit of a break from the internet, so I should be back posting after the new year.
With that said, to all my RKC brethren and sistren, have a blessed holiday and new year! 2009 will promise to be full of awesome opportunities and experiences, goals to set and achieve, and PR's bested and broken. I very much look forward to it and can't wait until the next time we all meet up again!
I'll leave you all with a very good story of a high school football team that has no reason to hope, no reason to believe. They were blessed with something we all possess, but rarely give....human kindness. Enjoy!
~ Jason
Monday, December 22, 2008
Killed The Force Recon Workout Last Week!
Monday - 12/15/08
Strength Circuit w/ Class:
5x3 of the following:
Front Squat - Double 40kg
Weighted Pull Up - 20kg
Dead Lift - 385lbs
Weighted Elevated Push Up - 115lbs on back
Tuesday - 12/16/08
Force Recon - Day 3
Weighted Pull Up - 5x5 - 16kg on Foot
Clean & Press - 5x5 - Double 28kg
Front Squat - 5x5 - Double 32kg
(Rock Bottom w/ 1 second pause)
Snatch - 5x5 - 32kg
Strict Hanging Leg Raise - 5x5
Wednesday - 12/17/08
Active Recovery:
Kettlebell Progressive Complex
Done w/ 16kg
3xL/R w/ 25 Push Ups Between Rounds
Swing, Clean, Squat, Snatch, Press, 1/2 Kneeling Press, Arm Bar Press x3, TGU
Thursday - 12/18/08
Force Recon - Day 4
Clean and Jerk - 10 Minutes
1 - Arm - 32kg for 1st 5 min., 28kg for last 5 min. (only put bell down to switch sizes.)
Fighter Sit Ups - 5x5
100 Tactical Pull Ups (Used a Monster Mini Jump Stretch band after I hit 60)
Front Squats - Double 24kg - 10x each time I let go of the bar (took 8 sets of pull ups to complete)
Snatch - 24kg - 5x10/10
100m Jog - 5x
The Force Recon workout Pavel wrote is the bomb! This ends week two of the brutality, but I was able to dramatically increase the weight I used from last week and decrease the amount of time the workouts took to complete.
Not sure what's going on physiologically, but I've maintained my weight all week and increased my strength and stamina without eating ANYTHING during the day (with the exception of Wed. and I felt like crap for it). No matter what, I'm digging the results!
Kevin got a new stock pile of 60 Penny Nails for some bending fun. One day I plan on trying to bend (X) number of nails for time. I've never tried it before like that, but Adam Glass is definitely inspiring enough to try it. I just need to pick a fresh day when wrists and hands aren't so sore.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Last Week In Review:
Weighted Pull Ups - 12kg - 5x5
Clean and Press - Double 24kg - 5x5
Rock Bottom Front Squat w/ 1 second Pause - Double 24kg - 5x5
Snatch - 32kg - 5/5x5
Strict Hanging Leg Raise - 5x5
Single Arm Clean and Jerk - 24kg - 10 minutes (never put the bell down)
Heavy Abs - Fighter Sit Ups - 5x5
Pull Ups - 100 Total
Front Squats - Double 24kg - 10 Reps Every Time You Let Go Of The Bar
(This sucked! I managed the whole thing in 8 Sets - 100 Pull Ups, 80 Front Squats)
Snatch - 24kg - 10/10x5 (100 total)
100 Yard Jog - x5
I was very fortunate to get an opportunity to meet up with a group of high school athletes and their coaches from Monterey High School here in Lubbock. There was about 60 kids, Freshman thru Juniors. They all plan on playing varsity football as Linemen or Linebackers next year. We worked on the Swing and Turkish Get Up. They did great and I think they'll really get a ton out of implementing the techniques I showed them in their program.
I also hit a bending PR with a 5" piece of 1/4" Cold Rolled Steel. The equivalent of a Blue Nail, but an inch shorter. After about 6 hits, double overhand style, I got it to 90 degrees and finished it off to 1.5". This was by far my toughest bend!
Warrior Diet has been going pretty well. Adherence is about 95% during the week and about 80% on the weekends. I've trimmed down to about 182 pounds, give or take 3 pounds, from a steady 195. I definitely look more defined, mainly in the mid-section, so the abdominal fat loss has been a nice side effect. I think I'm going to keep it up until the end of the year. (I don't want to get so light I'll fly away, you know)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Look Who's Kettlebellin'
Training Week - 12/01/08 - 12/04/08
12/1/08 - Monday
Bottom's Up Press - 24kg
Superset w/ Barbell Bent Rows 225 - 3x1,2135 - 3x3,4,5
3x3 of the following:
Front Squat - Double 40kg
Pull Up - 20kg
Dead Lift - 275
Push Up - Elevated w/ 2-45lb Plates and 30lb Chain on neck
12/2/08 - Tuesday
Vo2 Max - 16kg - 40 sets of 8 - :15/:15
12/3/08 - Wednesday
Active Recovery
Progressive Complex - 12kg
3 Rounds both Left and Right
Swing, Snatch
Swing, Snatch, Press
Swing, Snatch, Press, Windmill
Swing, Snatch, Press, Windmill, Overhead Squat
Swing, Snatch, Press, Windmill, Overhead Squat, Half Kneeling Press
Swing, Snatch, Press, Windmill, Overhead Squat, Half Kneeling Press, Arm Bar Press x 3, TGU
25 Push Ups between each round
12/4/08 - Thursday
Barbell Front Squat
135 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 2
315 x 1
Tried box jumps again. Hit 61 inches 3 times, which is 3 of my tires stacked on each other. Mixed in Barbell Back Squats ~ 3x5 225
Worked the circuits with the late class.
No short bending this week. I still need to go to the store. I did buy some cards at the dollar store and started on card tearing 'cause I've ripped everything I had in the house with exception of 2 decks. Tearing cards is extremely tough for me. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, but when I watch vids of other guys do it, I can't seem to mimic it with the same grips. Plus it's pretty painful. I did get a full Lubbock Yellow pages phonebook yesterday the "right" way. It's about 1.5 inches thick. I was showing the guys how to do both techniques (parlor trick and strongman) and when showing the strength version the pages just popped apart...it looked as if I'd chopped the top of the book with a machete. Pretty cool! So I finished it off, which took me a little bit. I'll keep grinding at the card tearing. I'm at 30 or so cards now and the tears are ugly....very curvy and the cards are a mess when I'm done. What's crazy is my grip is stronger than it's ever been right now and this seems to be impossible to me right now. The tortoise wins the race with this I guess.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
3 Days Of GTG
I know there's a technical definition for this in a training application, but for me it's just do what you want and do it light enough to not over-exert.
Monday, I worked some Bottom's Up Presses after I worked with a class. I really want to hit the 40kg (Bulldog), but it still eludes me.
Team Goblet Squat Ladders (Courtesy of Jeff O'Connor)
24kg - 3x1,2,3,4,5
Bottom's Up Press
28kg - 3x2/2
32kg - 1x1/1
36kg - 1x1 Right, Failed Left
40kg - Good Clean and held it for a bit, 1/2 Pressed and it toppled on me. Soon!!!
Pull Ups
Tuesday, I worked with my late class. Complexes were on the menu with an interesting approach to the TGU.
TGU - 24kg
Pausing at each individual section of the get up.
1:20 on the way up
1:20 on the way down
1 Left and 1 Right = Over 5 minutes for 2 TGU's! This was brutal, but my shoulders felt unreal and fresh afterwards.
Complex - 5x1,2,3
All done 1-arm and switch
Swing, Clean, Squat, Press, Snatch
Then...40 Swings, 30 Rows (15/15), 20 Squats, 10 Burpees
Wednesday, we worked for our Thanksgiving Turkey. Early class 10 Swings on the minute for 40 minutes (400 swings). 2 late classes, 15 swings on the minute for 40 minutes (600 swings). Rest period was mixture of Fast and Loose and whatever we wanted to work on...Pull Ups, Abs, etc. Great workout and it went surprisingly fast.
Bending and tearing worth mentioning: I've ripped around 10 phone books since Monday. One at work went in 6 seconds!! The thing just exploded on my first rip and felt like it just fell apart. I've gone through all of my bag of nails (except for the Reds) and the stock that I'd cut to blue nail length. I've been working 3-6 blue nails/day. Double Overhand, Double Underhand and Reverse with both hands in front. DU and Reverse are finished DO after the initial bend. Blue nails are becoming good practice, so I'm gonna have to go to the hardware store and stock up on some tougher fare. I printed out "How To Bend The Red Nail" today, and I'm looking forward to reading it. I've kinked one, but it's like pushing on a brick wall.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Last Week's Training and My Impressions of The Warrior Diet
For those that don't know, WD is a way of life, not just a diet. It's a way to harness your innate survival skills and take control of your life. Within one week I've been able to break many of my old bad habits and get started on a nutritional plan that really works great for anyone willing to put forth the effort.
WD Positives
I LOVE being able to "feast" at night after I'm done training. Before WD, I was never really that hungry when I went home and consistently missed the ever-important post-workout meal.
I am no longer a slave to food. I now make food work for me and benefit me the way I want it to.
I am sharper during the day. Have more energy. Sleep better at night.
I want to eat "Good," "Healthy," "Nutritious" food at night during my feast. I no-longer crave the junk food at fast food joints on my way home. I want fuel and I want the best there is to offer. Not something that's only going to stay with me for a few hours.
WD Negatives
It's a little mental at first. Hunger will definitely play with your mind. Good thing the WD allows for mid-day snacks. Thank you almonds!
I flopped twice last week. Both times at work when we had company-prepared meals. I just didn't have the guts to not get a plate.
To sum up, WD seems to be an awesome way to eat and live...FOR ME! It may not be for you, but so far this is working great and I haven't felt this good about a nutrition plan in quite a while. I've been in compliance everyday (8 days now) with exception to the 2 meals at work last week (which really weren't that bad), but I still cheated. The holidays may put an even tougher dose of peer pressure on me, but I'll try to gut it out.
I hit some PR's last week, mostly with bending - Refer to my previous post. I tried my snatch test on Thursday instead of hitting Vo2 Max due to time and I hit 100 reps w/ 24kg in 3:46. I don't think I've ever timed 100 reps before, but it felt good and there is some room for improvement.
I also hit an old school workout with one of my clients...All Barbell. Bench Press, Bent Rows, Dips, Straight Bar Curls, Pull Ups and Abs...of course. I was sore as a dog after this. The old hypertrophy days awakened the DOMS demons, but it was cool to do something old fashioned.
This week may be more of a lay off week to coincide with Thanksgiving. Probably GTG stuff and some more bending.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! I know I'm going to be looking forward to Thanksgiving supper! ;-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Blue Nail...Crushed!
Here's a vid of the workout today and pic of the damage...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Full, Un-Sick Week!
Monday - 11-10-08
Bottoms Up Press Ladders
2x1,2,3,4,5 w/ 24kg
Superset Each Rung w/
3 - 135lb Barbell Hang Cleans
Green - Reverse Grip (1st try to get the groove - THANKS Adam Glass!!!)
2 - Yellow - Reverse Grip - Very Easy
1 - Yellow - Double Overhand
2 - 60D Nails - Reverse Grip
I'll try to get some vids out there of this for critiquing.
Tuesday - 11-11-08
TGU - 5 mins
Beast Goblet Squat
Bottoms Up - 5x5
Superset w/
Pull Ups - 5x5
Vo2 Max - 40 sets of 8 w/ 16kg
Wednesday - 11-12-08 - With Class
Circuit - :30/:30 - 3x
Double KB Squat Thrust
Double KB Overhead Lockout
Sling Shots
Ab/Low Back Circuit
Thursday - 11-13-08
TGU - 5 mins
Barbell Front Squat - Worked up to:
Superset w/ Barbell Power (Muscle) Cleans
Work w/ Class:
Snatch w/ 24kg - 20/20, 15/15, 10/10, 5/5 ~ 4 mins.
Push Ups - 10x10
Swing - 40x
Squat - 30x
Swing - 20x
Squat - 10x
Pull Ups - 4x5
More Bending:
2 Yellows, Reverse Grip
1 Yellow, Double Overhand
The nail bending is really coming along. My wrists, thumbs and hands in general are sore as all get out for several hours after a session, but the pain soon goes away. I've been doing all of my bending with the canvas Iron Mind wraps that comes with a bag of nails. From what I've read, this is the most uncomfortable way to bend, but it's suited me fine this far. I'm getting some leather wraps to try that out soon. I'm ready to move up to consistently smashing blue nails, but I'm not quite there yet. I think with consistency, it'll come. Patience is the key with this stuff!
The beauty of the bending/tension work is that my overall strength continues to improve. With the V02 Max training, my stamina and staying power is still there as well. It seems to be a great mix.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Two Good Days = A Good Week For Me!
Wednesday - 11-5-08
Variety Day
Circuits w/ Class :30 Work/:30 Rest = 3X
- Snatch
- Planks
- Box Jumps
- Jump Rope
- See Saw Press
- Dead Lifts
Thursday - 11-6-08
Lift Sumpin' Heavy!
Front Squat
Worked up to singles of:
Power Clean
135 1x5
185 2x3
205 1x3
With Class:
- Team Swings and TGU
- Team Front Squat Ladders - 2X1,2,3,4,5
- Smoker - 3X
Heavy 1-Arm Swings - 5/5 - 40kg
Snatch - 5/5 - 32kg
Heavy 1-Arm Swings - 10/10 - 40kg
Snatch - 5/5 - 32kg
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The idea of entitlement will cripple this country.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
RKC - Assistant Instructor
Rather than give a minute-by-minute accounting, I'll just piece together things that are on my mind about the experience as I write about them.
You can not put a price tag or come close to estimating the value of being close to the best trainers in the world. If you've ever felt like you don't fit in because of the way you train, eat or live your life, the RKC just reaffirms the fact that there are others out there who "get it." Just being around other instructors and teaching aspiring instructors that feel the same way is priceless.
Dave Whitley's (Senior RKC) grip strength is really taking off. If you get a chance, have him tear something up in front of you and then you try it. It'll humble you in a hurry. He's one strong dude!
I was on Team Ron Morris (RKC - Team Leader) with another assistant instructor, Jason Wood, RKC. Our team came in and started a little rough around the edges, but the transformation that was made, the progress that we witnessed was unbelievable. Congrats and huge thanks goes out to all of Team Morris and I wish you all the best!
This post would not be complete if I didn't say a huge thank you to Pavel, our Chief Instructor, Master RKC, Brett Jones, the Senior RKC's: Dave Whitley and Jeff O'Connor, RKC Team Leader, Ron Morris and all the Assistant Instructors. I'd also like to thank and congratulate the Dragon Door staff for making the cert so seamless and memorable!
I'm becoming more aware that some of the best times of an RKC event are Sunday night after grad workouts where everyone can celebrate their accomplishments. This cert was no different with good food, drinks, conversation and entertainment, courtesy of many "Hold My Beer/Purse And Watch This" moments.
This cert was special because I was invited by Fawn Friday, RKC to check out her gym and talk shop before my plane headed out. Fawn is amazingly strong and can do stuff most of my male students can't do. It was truly an honor and a pleasure to hang out with Fawn and I would encourage those of you in the St Paul/Minneapolis area to do the same.
All in all, assisting at an RKC event can't be explained, just experienced. I would do it again in a heartbeat and hope to have the opportunity to do so in the near future.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Off To St Paul
RKC, here we go!
Hard Style!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Birthday 300
Swings - 24kg - 31 reps
Dead Lifts - 48kg - 31 reps
Push Ups - 31 reps
Box Jump - 32 inch Tire - 31 reps
Snatch Left - 16kg - 31 reps
Clean & Press Right - 20kg - 31 reps
Front Squat - 24kg - 31 reps
Snatch Right - 16kg - 31 reps
Clean & Press Left - 20kg - 31 reps
Burpees - 31 reps
Total reps = 310 in ~ 20 minutes
So it wasn't exactly 300, but that's what made it so exciting! J/K I almost threw up, but I made it through and was glad I did it. Kind of a commemorative workout to celebrate. As Spriggs said, "I hate to see what I come up with when I'm 50." ;-)
My little brother (6'3" 195), Trevor, got me the new Metallica CD and a Ghost Recon game for my PSP. I listened to the first 5 songs on the way home and I'm totally digging the new album. Sounds like they're getting back to their old roots of head bangin', fist-pumpin' beats with oodles of face-melting rifs and solos. Love it! This will be standard fare in the gym beginning immediately! Thanks (little big) Bro!
Friday, I'm off to Frisco, TX with my buddy Kevin and his family to meet up with the Blifferts and Dave Whitley to attend the Iron Tamer's famous Kettlebell Workshop. I'm really stoked about Saturday and can't wait to see how the day goes.
Next week will be a monumental one as I'm off to St Paul, MN to participate in the Level 1 RKC cert as an Assistant Instructor. This is such a huge honor and I'm very fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity. Again, this is going to be such a great experience to see how things are done at an RKC from behind the scenes and from an instructor's eyes. I'm expecting to pull more away (if it's possible) from this than I did as a fledgling RKC in training. Starting to get butterflies!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My Core Values In Bullet Points
- God First, Family Second, Career Third.
- Predicate your self image with action.
- Carve yourself by what you do.
- Don’t be concerned with the outside influence of materialism.
- Looks are temporary, actions may last forever.
- Help others when you CAN.
- Eliminate negative thoughts and trash the words, “Can’t and Won’t.”
- Don’t enslave yourself with excuses.
- Don’t be an excuse.
- See yourself without limitations.
- Make confidence a forethought in everything you do.
- Harbor confidence with quiet humbleness.
- Be unpredictably strong.
- Be content to learn for the rest of your days
- Never settle.
- Assume nothing.
- Enjoy life.
- Appreciate everything.
- Take opportunities when you get them. They may never come back.
- Embrace youth.
- Respect the elderly.
- If you believe in something, always stand your ground.
- Be nice.
- Agree to disagree.
- Never quit.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Firing On All Cylinders

BTW: The guys did awesome in this one! It was extremely demanding and I'm sure they're looking forward to the next one!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
TSC Results - 9-13-08
Andy Tschetler - 22
Body Weight - 187
Open Division
Best Dead Lift - 425
Pull Up - 23
Snatch Test - 136
David Spriggs - 22
Body Weight - 278
Open Division
Best Dead Lift - 445 (PR)
Pull Up - 1
Snatch Test - 94 (PR)
David Kliewer - 23
Body Weight - 189
Open Division
Best Dead Lift - 545 (PR)
Pull Up - 21
Snatch Test - 122
Jason Marshall - 30
Body Weight - 189
Open Division
Best Dead Lift - 550 (PR in Conventional Stance)
Pull Up - 20 (PR)
Snatch Test - 123 (PR)
Here's a video compilation of the event. I'll eventually have a video of each competitor's lifts posted individually. Youtube can be a bit slow on the upload.
My thoughts on the challenge:
I chose to pull all my dead lift attempts in the conventional stance. My natural stance is sumo and I definitely feel I have more leverage in sumo with my body type (My Sumo PR is 565). So conventional is out of my comfort zone, but I'm getting better at it. The attempt at 550 was the slowest pull I've ever done (10 seconds I think). I pulled a callus during that attempt which set my hands up for a day of brutality.
The pull ups were much better this time around. Last TSC I did the pull ups on my fat bar pull up bar on my power rack. My buddy, Kevin Hays, constructed a pull up apparatus that'll hold 5 people. We can now hang rings, heavy bags and ropes. Plus the pull up bar is of a normal diameter. I again pulled another callus on my pull ups. Next up was the snatch.
I knew this was going to be a killer. I hadn't practiced snatches at all for the TSC. Even after slathering my hand and the KB handle with chalk, the skin on my hands peeled back like the rind on an orange. At the end of the day the callus pull and blister tally was up to six. I was sort of happy with my results (PR in this test), but I was disappointed in my conditioning. I'll be working on this very soon...can you say Vo2 Max?
All in all, it was a good day. I really enjoyed hanging out with the guys that participated. They all did very well and everyone hit PR's which makes the event worth it. Mr. Kliewer is a helluva puller and I'm sure we'll be hearing more from him in the future. Mr. Tschetler has amazing muscular endurance and blew me away with his snatch and pull up numbers. Mr. Spriggs made huge strides from the last TSC (PR in all 3). He's only going to get better and stronger! I'll definitely be up for the next one in the spring and hope to see everyone back and some new faces.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day Before TSC
Warm Up
Z Health NWL1
2 mins of Various Planks
2 mins of Suit Case Farmer Carry
Circuit the following for 10X
Swings - 15x
TGU - 1/1
Burpees - 5x
Planks - 10 sec
I had the fighters used an old trick from an article Pavel wrote for Rock Climbers to strengthen grip....Soapy Swings. We soaped up the hands and KB handles and rotated 2-Hand, 1-Hand and H2H for the circuit. I also had them to the Burpees and Planks with a Jump Stretch Band wrapped around their neck and under their feet. A couple other guys did the Accelerated Eccentric Swings for the whole circuit.
This was a great workout for any level of class and was scalable and tailored to the diverse client base I train. You've got the Program Minimum with a couple Body Weight exercises and "Presto", you've got an efficient yet difficult workout for an entire group of people.
Tomorrow morning I'm hosting my second International Tactical Strength Challenge. I'm looking forward to it and I'm especially interested in the results and who will come out to compete. Good luck to all who are participating!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Vo2 Max and Staying Fresh
Friday, Sept. 5, 2008
Corrective Work
Wall Sit w/ OH Press
Arm Bar
Corrective Get Up
Farmers Suit Case Carry
Vo2 Max Snatch - :15/:15 - 16kg
40 sets - 20 minutes
8 reps/set
Switched hands each set.
Monday, Sept. 8, 2008
Corrective Work
Same as Friday
Following Circuit 4 Times - Done w/ 24kg
SLDL - 5/5
25 Swings
2 Point Renegade Row - 5/5
25 Swings
Push Up on KB Handles - 5
25 Swings
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008
Corrective Work
Z Health NWL1 - Twice during the day
Various Pull Ups and Snatches Between Classes
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008
Corrective Work
Z Health NWL1 - Twice during the day
Also various Pull Ups, Snatches and Few Bottoms Up Presses between classes
The classes did:
- TGU - 5 mins.
Then Circuit the following
- :30 work, :30 rest - 3X
- Box Jump or Step Ups
- Planks
- Jump Rope
- Med Ball Slams
- KB Dead Lift
- Halos or Accelerated Eccentric Swings
I'll take Thursday and Friday off before the TSC and see how it goes. I really haven't trained that specifically for the TSC this time around, so I'm interested to see how I'll do. I haven't decided whether I'll compete in the Open or Elite division. I think I'll play it by ear and decide the morning of. I honestly haven't tried to snatch a bell heavier than 24kg in months. Even then I've only snatched the 16kg for my Vo2 Max stuff.
I implemented and coached the Accelerated Eccentric Swing yesterday and everyone loved it. (Okay, maybe some have love/hate relationship with it) Thanks to Pavel for bringing it back to my attention! You can use a bell 1/4 to 1/2 the size you normally use and it'll smoke you even worse than the heavy bell. I'd for some reason forgotten about this little gem and haven't taught this version in a while. Now it'll become a staple for my more experienced KB'ers.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Great Link And Feelin' Good!
I've been feeling really good the last few days. Sleeping well. Eating well. Training well. By falling asleep on my back, I've drastically reduced the amount of pain I was experiencing in my shoulders. I've also taken the last few weeks to back off any heavy over head work other than isometrics or BUP (which have all been light). The new sleeping habits combined with a mindful work ethic has really paid good dividends.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Corrective Work
Elevated Conventional Dead Lift - Standing on 45# Plates
225 - 5x5
Grip Work
COC - Trainer, #1, #2
Ripped a 2" Phone Book
Bent a Yellow Nail - Double Overhand
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Corrective Work
The Following Circuit For 20 Minutes (Total Reps for the whole workout in parentheses):
Pull Up - 12kg on foot - x3 (24)
Push Up - x5 (40)
Dead Lift - 245lbs. - x3 (24)
KB Front Squat - Double 20kg - x5 (40)
Renegade Row - Double 20kg - x3/3 (24/24)
Tire Sledge Hammer Slams - 20lb Sledge - x5/5 (40/40)
Hit 8 Rounds Right At The 20 Minute Mark.
Vo2 Max Base Line Test - 16kg
Minute 1 - 8
Minute 2 - 12
Minute 3 - 15
Minute 4 - 20
Minute 5 - 30 (30/4 = 7.5)
Round up to 8 reps for future Vo2 Max Sets.
This felt really nice on the shoulders. The perfect load with the perfect range of motion for the perfect amount of time!
Then...goofed around with some hurdle jumps and broad jumps. I hit 9 feet exactly (108 inches or 274 cm) on the broad jump. I don't know if that's good, but it's fun to do!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ripped A Workout And Some Crazy Stuff
Last two training days...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Worked Out with the BJJ guys both days.
Corrective Work:
Wall Sit w/ OH Press
Corrective Get Up
Suitcase Carry
SLDL 3x10/10
H2H Swings 10x20 - 24kg
Sledge Hammer Tire Slams 10x5/5 - 10lb Sledge
Guard Press in 3 Bridge Positions 3x10/10 - Double 24kg
Armadillo Sit Ups 3x5
Monday, September 2, 2008
Corrective Work
Brett Jones' RKC Prep Workout
All Done 2X
2 arm Swing x 20 - 48kg
Get-up x 5/5 - 24kg
One arm Swing x 10/10 - 32kg
MP x 6/6 (Changed this to Cleans 6/6) - 32kg
Alternating Swing x 20 - 32kg
Clean and Front Squat x 6/6 - Double 32kg
2 arm Swing x 20 - 48kg
Snatch x 10/10 (Changed this to Cleans 10/10) - 32kg
Alternating Swing x 20 - 32kg
The weights are what I used, not necessarily all classes, and it smoked my butt!
Then....some crazy stuff ensued after classes while I was teaching a little plyo circuit to my little brother (basketball player). I got on the hurdles he was jumping which are just some PVC pipes about 18 inches tall and started doing some L-sits into hand stands (probably 5). Then I went to my power rack and tried the Human Flag - maybe 2 seconds. I've got a client that can do this at will (former gymnast). And then I tried out the new rings for my first Muscle Ups. I got 3 and tried the Iron Cross - totally crapped out on this. I have a new and complete appreciation and admiration for gymnasts. Holy crap!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Challenges and New Roads Ahead!
At the same time the circus-like juggling act of work, training, teaching and life will continue to challenge and perplex me which forces maturation and growth like no other. I look forward to the coming months and hope to absorb and apply everything ahead!
Simple training...
Wednesday, Aug 27, 2008
Corrective work:
Farmers Carries
Lots and Lots of Planks
Lots and Lots of Technique Demo
Thursday, Aug 28, 2008
Goof-off day
Worked a pair of 12kg KB's for about 40 minutes. I have no idea how many reps of everything I did, but I switched doubles and singles at will. I just did what ever came to mind. Alone in my thoughts.
Two Arm Swings
H2H Swings
Double Swings
Single Hand Juggling
Double KB Juggling
Bottoms Up Press
Bottoms Up See Saw Press
Bottoms Up Stacked KB Press
Iron Cross
Double Snatches
Double Alternating Snatches
COC Grippers: Trainer, #1 and #2
This was a nice mindless workout. Nothing more, nothing less.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
New PR!
Last week was a good training week as I'm still working in my FMS corrective strategies. I've been teaching classes virtually everyday, so I'm getting a lot of residual work while I'm demonstrating technique that I sometimes oversee as actual training. I'm trying to be more mindful of this "work" so I can stay fresh for my "real" training sessions.
I've had a little shoulder flare up recently which I'm convinced is due to my funky sleeping positions. I usually sleep on my belly without a pillow, face turned to the side and my arms are overhead in a "goal-post" position. If I'm not in that position, I'm on my side with my shoulder turned in towards my chest with my arm straight in front of me and my head resting on my down shoulder. I'm not sure how to change this, but maybe a mattress change would help? Not sure.
Off to training…
Corrective Strategies Everyday:
Corrective Get Up w/ OH Walks
Wall Sit w/ OH Press
T-Spine Rotation
Windshield Wiper
Thursday - Aug. 21
Dead Lift - Conventional Stance
245 - 8x3 - Double Overhand Thumbless Grip
Single Arm Dead Cleans - 4 Rounds - Went right up the ladder for each set.
24kg - 3/3
36kg - 3/3
48kg - 3/3
Superset w/ BW Pull Ups
5 Each Round
Friday - Aug. 22
KB Dead Lift
48kg 5x5
Suit Case Farmer Carry
36kg 5/5 - 30sec each
Tuesday - Aug. 26
Weighed - 189 lbs.
Dead Lift - Conventional Stance
Worked up to a heavy single
245 1x3
335 1x2
425 1x2
475 1x1
515 1x1
535 1x1 - PR in Conventional Stance!!!! The pull was slow and really made it hard to keep the upper back tight and shoulders sunk, but I locked it out none the less.
Suit Case Farmer Carry
36kg - 3/3 - 30sec each
Double KB Work - Done as a complex
Dead Clean
Front Squat (Reset each clean before front squat)
Renegade Row
Push Up
Dead Lift
2 - 24kg 1x3
2 - 28kg 1x3
2 - 32kg 3x3
Warm Down:
Bottom's Up Tall Kneeling Press
12kg - 2 x 5/5
Half Kneeling Press
12kg - 2 x 5/5
Monday, August 18, 2008
Assistance and Prehab
Warm Up:
TGU w/ OH Walks and T-Spine/C-Spine Clearing
Half Kneeling Press
Double KB Front Squat
2 - 16kg 5
2 - 24kg 5
2 - 32kg 3x5
Romanian Dead Lift - Off Box
135 5x8
Double KB Swings
3 Rounds starting with the heavy bells and consecutively working my way down to the lighter bells on the top of the minute w/ a minute rest
2 - 32kg x 5
2 - 40kg x 5
2 - 48kg x 5
This got my heart rate up pretty good. The larger bells are hard for a guy like me with short legs, but the dynamics of the hip extension is unreal.
Warm Down w/ Late Class
All w/ 16kg
More TGUs w/ OH Walks and Spinal Rotation - 2 x L/R
(Held each segment for a one second pause)
Kneeling OH Press - 5x5 L/R
Single Leg Dead Lift - 3x15 L/R
Sunday, August 17, 2008
CK-FMS Week 1 Results…And A Little Dead Lift Workout
To explain further, I have a client who scored a 16 on the initial screen (which is pretty good…2 points above average). When he came back the day after we screened we worked on the assessment versions of the TGU and the Single Leg DL. After a few reps each with and without resistance I noticed a big ankle mobility issue which didn't really bare its fangs on the FMS. We went straight into a series of corrective strategies and tried the Single Leg DL again. The client went from dead lifting off of an 8" box to a full range SL DL with no asymmetries...immediately! I would also assume the bridge portion of the TGU is going to improve as well.
So there's a real world example of how quickly the system can work.
Now a little dead lifting. I haven't had a "real" workout since Monday, Aug. 4, about two weeks ago. All the residual I'm getting from teaching has been nice though as well as the deloading break.
This workout was to see where I was on the dead lift. This showed me my baseline since I haven't pulled since the April Tactical Strength Challenge. After watching the video, I notice some rounding in the upper back, but that usually happens when I go above 90% of 1RMax. I felt unusually good afterward, even now, two days later.
After DL I supersetted weighted pull ups w/ single leg dead lifts and concentrated on tension and form. This got me more worked up than the dead lift workout. Here's the workout broken down.
Warm Up
Wall Sit w/ OH Press
Corrective TGU w/ OH Walk and C-Spine/T-Spine Clearing
Dead Lift
Worked up to 425 Sumo & Conventional
545 - Failed
425 or 82.5% - 3X3 - Last Rep w/ 10 second iso-hold
I worked conventional just because I felt more comfortable there. I've been slowly transitioning to conventional and I'm surprised how awkward sumo feels now.
Weighted Pull Up w/ 10kg
10, 5, 5
Single Leg Dead Lift
24kg - 3x10 L/R
COC Trainer
3x10 L/R
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
CK-FMS…So Many WTH's And AHA's To Mention!
There is really too much to put into words about the weekend, but I will sum up a few of the main takeaways that really hit home for me.
In America, we have traditionally neglected basic movement patterns, thus reinforcing poor movement (i.e. exercise) on top of a dysfunctional body. Why are we training ourselves and others through pain and immobility? Because that's just what we do! We don't know any better! Well, the CK-FMS has provided the tools to reprogram basic movement function, eliminate the bugs in our motor program and correct the nasty asymmetries we tend to compensate for that WILL lead to future injur(ies).
If we step back in time between our birth to 18 months of life, we see all the basic motor movement patterns displayed in perfect and beautiful harmony. From raising the head for the first time, to rolling over, to crawling, squatting, dead lifting and walking….it's all there! And all this with a giant noggin atop a miniature body with almost no musculature. Kind of miraculous when you think about it.
The Functional Movement Screen is such a good compliment to the RKC system as it's a no-frills, objective, quantifiable test that lights up a person's mobility and stability strengths and weaknesses. The approach of using kettlebells to correct asymmetries and poor movement patterns is an amazing concept which was immediately applicable in myself and my clients as soon as I got home.
I'm still in process of digesting the weekend, but one of the coolest things about this event and the RKC certification I went to in Oct. 07 is the community of people who are drawn to this way of life and school of thought. The camaraderie and relationships built during the process are worth the price of admission alone. I met so many people in the kettlebell community who I consider mentors and inspirations…RKC's, RKC II's, Senior RKC's, Master RKC's and the man himself, Pavel. I've only read about many of these people, visited their websites and blogs, seen their videos and purchased their products and now we're all in the same boat….coming together to learn and collaborate how to be better at what we do. It was truly an awesome experience and I will remember this weekend for the rest of my life!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Interesting Smoker And A Reminder
The protocol calls for:
Snatch 1/1 - Then 1 Deep Breath (Inhale/Exhale)...The longer the breath, the better.
Snatch 2/2 - 2 Deep Breaths
And so on up to 5/5.
We did 3 ladders of this matching breaths to snatch reps. I actually looked forward to picking up the kettlebell the longer this went on. Definitely worth trying out!
Here's a couple of videos (one I've posted on here before), but they're a good reminder of our many blessings and the power of the human spirit.
***Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the stop button on the music player so you can hear the audio on the videos.
No Excuses!
This one was on an old post by Yoana Snideman, RKC-TL. Truly Inspirational!
We all have so much to be thankful for!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Got Results?
Friday, July 18, 2008
A Rant...


Monday, July 14, 2008
Random Lifts Video
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Back to Training
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Healthy Lubbock Day
Kevin, Eric & Trev
The Stage Demo & Presentation
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Client Doting
In the brief time that I've spent as a trainer, I've seen some drastic and impressive transformations…whether it be physically, mentally or spiritually. The point is, through kettlebell and strength training, the clients I've been so fortunate to train have shown me a lot about perseverance and true strength. "I can't" has evolved into "I'll try" and eventually to "I can" with true belief in their hearts when they say it. Limits and barriers have been broken and surpassed. The realm of possibilities has grown to a point where they can't see the edge.
This is the reward I've been so fortunate to be blessed with. So I would like to send out an open "Thank You" to the students of strength that have shown me these things and given me the opportunity to do something I truly love. Thanks!
~ JM
P.S. On a side note, I would like to mention some very impressive displays over the past week or so. We now have 5 who have swung the 24kg KB 300+ in 10 minutes, 3 of which are approaching the 400 mark. Some of the ladies are man-handling the 16kg while doing their Clean and Press ladders as well as one-arm Snatches. 3 ladies have swung the 48kg (Beast) 10+ times. 3 guys are clean and pressing the 40kg for ladders with 2 guys using the 32kg. 1 guy has hit 25 strict body-weight tactical pull ups. (I believe Pavel said that qualified you as a man amongst men.) 3 guys have also bent the Iron Mind yellow nail and are working towards the infamous red nail with 1 guy closing the Captains of Crush No.2 with No.3 on the way.
Needless to say I'm very impressed with the level of improvement in everyone who has made the time to attend classes and put such a relentless effort into learning and doing things right. In my opinion everyone still has tons of potential to take it even further…so I challenge each of you to push yourselves and each other to reach and surpass your goals with the mindful dedication you've displayed thus far.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Short Week
Week 2 of the Mini Cycle
Tuesday 5-27
Floor Press
Worked up to 270 - 6x2
Close Grip Flat Bench w/ Chains
Cable Triceps Extension
4 Rounds of the following w/ Double 24kg KBs:
Swings - 5
Cleans - 5
Snatches - 5
Thursday 5-29
Pin Pulls from 3rd Pin (Below knee ~ 2-3 inches)
Worked up to 515 - 5x2
1st 4 sets were conventional stance and 5th set was sumo.
Box Squat w/ KB's attached to chains
Played around w/ Banded-Chain box squats w/ KB's attached to chains. This was a lot of fun and the effect is pretty cool!
Weighted Pull Ups w/ Chains
Single Leg/Single Hand Dead Lift w/ 48kg KB
3x5 L/R - opposite hand holding KB from Dead Lift leg
These were awesome! Lots of focus/tension!
That was it! Short week and kept it basic. Probably need some conditioning work and planned on some VO2 Snatches, but they'll have to wait.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Starting A New Training Cycle
This week began a 4-week training cycle. The template is similar to the last cycle with a Westside-ETK-RKC hybrid approach...if there is such a thing (there is now!).
Monday - 5/19/08
Things were kept light today. Nothing much to speak of really.
Tuesday - 5/19/08
Floor Press
Worked up to a max and hit 325 (5 lbs shy of a PR, I think)
4x3 @ 265
Stretch-Reflex Barbell Bench Press
3x10 @ 205
Circuit the following for 3x10-15
Ab Pulldowns
Incline Rear Dumbbell Raises
Dumbbell Tricep Roller Extensions
Seated KB Military Press
Thursday - 5/21/08
Pin Pulls - 3rd Pin or about 3 inches below knee.
Pulled conventional this time (just felt stronger there)
SLOWLY worked up and pulled 605! PR with that weight in that stance!
Safety Squat Bar Good Mornings (probably won't do GM's again w/ the SSB - tough on the cervical spine)
Circuit the following - 3x8-15
Medicine Ball Supermans
Barbell Bent Rows
Banded Hamstring Curls
Friday - 5/22/08
Messed around today. Got a bag of nails from Iron Mind and worked up to the Yellow nail (took me about 10 minutes to close it, but I finally got it there!) Kevin, Vice Grip, Hays closed the Blue Nail on his first day and his first try. Look out Red Nail!!! Kevin's gonna get ya soon!
Push Pressed the 48kg for a few reps on each side and held the negative as long as I could.
Pistol Work - worked the 20kg a few reps on the right side. Managed 90% of a full rep on my left! That's the deepest I've been in a pistol with my bum-noodle-leg!
Swing Smoker w/ Class at the end.
The following = 1 Round all non-stop. Short or no rest between rounds. Complete as fast as possible.
Light KB = 24kg - Swings 5L/5R/10 2-Hand
Heavier KB = 32kg - Swings 5L/5R/10 2-Hand
I did 5 Rounds, but we had a couple over-achievers (Chris and Keith) who pulled off 10 rounds! Great job everyone!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Palm Clean and Waiter Press
Friday, May 9, 2008
Blog Update
Honestly, I've been following a fairly detailed plan with an emphasis on improving the "3 Big Lifts": Bench Press, Squat, Dead Lift….All Un-Equipped. This plan proved to work very well as it's based off of Westside principals (which I've used in the past). I will de-load next week and begin a new 4-week cycle the following week. I think my two max-effort exercises will be Floor Press and Pin Pulls from Below the Knee on the next cycle. Overall, I feel good, my nutrition is coming together and the mix of KB work with max effort power lifting training seems to be a nice pair! Now that the weather is nice, I will incorporate some outdoor training more, i.e.: Tire Flipping, Hill Running, Sled Dragging, etc., on my KB days. Here's a recap of the last two weeks' training.
Week of 4/28 – 5/2:
Monday 4/28
Worked with class and did a light workout with the 24kg. C&P 3x1,2,3,4,5; Superset w/ BW Pull Ups. Finished off with Double 28kg Swings = 100.
Tuesday 4/29
3rd week of 4 in this training cycle with 3-board press. I hit 90% = 315, 4x2. I didn’t have the greatest of days….a little weak and slow.
4x8-10 of the following
Close Grip Pull Down
Front Raise w/ 45# Plate
DB Rear Raise on Incline
Thursday 5/1
3rd week of 4 with Barbell Box Squat – Box has been set at parallel or a little below (Definitely “White-Light-Depth”). My stance with these are wide (inside edge of the rack) with a little turn-out angle on the toes.
90% = 420, 4x2….Felt better today. The weight felt light and I moved it pretty quick.
3x10 of the following
Barbell Good Morning
RDL on Box
Friday 5/2
Felt a little frisky today and played around with The Beast. These are the days I look forward to…just foolin’ around and hittin' some PR’s!
The Beast = 48kg or 106 lb
10 Snatches – Right
Clean and Press – Right, 3 failed attempts Left
TGU – Right
Week of 5/5 - 5/9:
Monday 5/5
Light Clean and Press again…I’m loving this for if for just prehab, restoration and recovery!
24kg 3x2,2,3,4,5; Superset w/ BW Pull Up
2 Rounds of the Following w/ Double 24kg
5 Swings, 5 Cleans, 5 Squats - :30 Rest
Then Lead Boots – 2 Rounds
Squat Jump - :30
Speed Squat - :30
Pause Squat - :30
Squat and Hold - :30
Rest – 1:00
Tuesday 5/6
Max Day!!!
4/4 in this cycle, so let’s see what improvements were made:
3 Board Press: 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 335x1, 350x1 (felt very fast!), 365x1 (struggle), 365x1 (Better!)
20 pound improvement in 4 weeks or 5.8%....I’m happy with that!
Close Grip Bench w/ Chains – 225 4x5
4x10 of the following
BW Dips
DB Rear Raise on Incline
Wednesday 5/7
Shouldn’t have done anything today, but I worked in a couple rounds with one of the classes.
KB Complex w/ Double 20kg 1x4,5; 2x1,2,3
Complex = Swing, Clean, Thruster, Renegade Row, Push Up
Thursday 5/8
Max Day….Again!!!
Let’s see how the training cycle affected my box squat:
Barbell Box Squat – Box set at Parallel – Wide Stance
Warm Up, then: 225x1, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1 (add belt), 455x1, 475x1, 500x0, 500x1
35 pound improvement or 7.5% increase….I can handle that plus I hit 500 for the first time in over a year. I lost my balance on the first attempt. Second was as strong as I’ve ever moved that weight before. The tension work I've learned from training with the kettlebell is definitely paying off.
4x10 of the following
Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs
RDL off Box
Jump Rope – 100x
Then I decided to do some singles of some Muscle Cleans; 205x1,1,1,1,1
Getting back to lifting heavy barbell lifts has been a nice change. The training is coming together. I don't feel overdone and the KB work is always a welcome filler.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
New Video - Messin' With The Beast
I tried snatching this thing earlier this week on Monday and managed 6 reps before my grip slipped. I knew I had more in me so I waited 'til Friday to try again. Except for the first and last couple, the reps flowed nicely. I didn't try my left so I don't even know what the status is there. The TGU was tough and the C&P seemed easier than in the past when I've tried. I tried my left right after and got it 3/4's of the way...No Lift. Fun day overall. I like moving heavy stuff around!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
4/21/08 - 4/25/08
Class Workouts
Farmer Carry
Clean and Press Ladders - 3x1,2,3
Superset w/ Pull Ups
Fast Tens: 5 Rounds w/ Double KB
5 Swings
5 Cleans
5 Squats
Same as Monday
Bottoms Up Press
Circuit the following 5x
2 TGU - L
2 Overhead Squat - L
2 Windmill - L
10 2 Hand Swings
2 TGU - R
2 Overhead Squat - R
2 Windmill - R
10 2 Hand Swings
Class Choice - 20 mins - :30 Work/:30 Rest
Class Choice - 10 mins Swings or 5 Snatch
My Workouts
Worked w/ Class
Used 40kg on C & P Ladders and 2 28kg on Fast Tens
3 Board Press - worked up to 345, then 295 for 3x3
Close Grip
Face Pulls
Rear Raise off Incline
Box Squat - worked up to 395 3x3
Good Mornings
Tabata Snatches
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Week of 4/14/08
Double Overhead KB Walks
Clean & Press Ladders 2x1-5
w/ Pull Ups
Fast Tens Swings or Lead Boots
Same as Monday
Circuits for Time
Farmer Carry/Rack Carry
Pick Your Poison
Swing Ladders w/ a Twist
My Workouts
Worked w/ one of the classes
C&P Ladders w/ 32kg
Fast Tens Swings w/ 2 28kg
Lead Boots
Bench Day
Worked Up to 305
Close Grip
JM Press
Lat Pull
Low Row
Box Squat Day
Worked Up to 465
Good Mornings
Front Squats
Tabata KB Snatch
Messed around w/ some Barbell Cleans, Snatches and Light Dead Lift Variations
Bottoms up Press
Jump Rope
Pull Ups
Push Ups
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Weight Training Dogma...Hardcore or Hard Work?
I really enjoyed what I was doing while training, achieving results that I could see and feel, and pushing towards the genetic potential that God blessed me with. But why have I seen such a constant barrage of negativity towards the way I train by average people? Do they truly understand how much I’ve invested in this activity society dubs “working out?” I don’t feel that I’m hardcore at all. I work hard. I use kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, medicine balls, giant tires, sleds, sledge hammers, pipes, over sized rubber bands, my own body weight and anything else I can get my hands on to achieve my goals. Sometimes the goal is specific, sometimes not, but the underlying goal of pushing my physical and mental abilities will always stay constant.
Many of us take for granted the simple physical abilities that we are blessed with. Even if you think weight training is “hardcore,” step back and think how you are using your abilities and how hard you work to push yourself to reach your potential. It’s honestly just a matter of a cognizant decision to make yourself the best you can be with what God gave you. Take the first step, and just get up and do something….anything. Studies have shown it takes six weeks to form a habit. Let us make working hard on our bodies a “habit” that we keep for the rest of our lives!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
New Videos
Taming The Bulldog
Double KB Turkish Get Up
Amped Friday and Saturday
Friday, April 11, 2008
Found A Post-It Note
2007 - 198 Raw - All Federations
Squat - 48th
Dead Lift - 29th
Total - 39th
I just thought that was cool I even made a list of any kind. Glad I found the post-it!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday Night
Sots Press
Inro and Practice
(Justin rocked this and is unusually flexible in his spine and hips. Way to go!)
Circuits :30/:30 - 3x
Jump Rope
Renegade Row
KB Thrusters
Side to Side Hot Potato
Single Leg Dead Lift
Med Ball Slams
Ab Circuit - 3x10
KB Side Bends - L/R
Lying Leg Lifts
Monday, April 7, 2008
Great Start To The Week
Overhead KB Walks - :30/:30 L/R - 2x
Clean and Press Ladders
Superset with Pull Ups (Band Assisted w/ Green Band)
"Lead Boots"
Taken from Philip Davis, RKC and Dave Whitley, Senior RKC
2 Rounds
Jump Squats - :30
Speed Squats - :30
Pause Squats - :30
Hold Squats - :30
Rest - 1 Minute
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Tactical Strength Challenge - 4/5/08
Body Weight - 188
Best Dead Lift - 515
Pull Up - 18
KB Snatch - 116
Keith Stratton - Open Division
Body Weight - 166
Best Dead Lift - 315
Pull Up - 16
KB Snatch - 82
Kevin Hays - Open Division
Body Weight - 259
Best Dead Lift - 440
Pull Up - 0
KB Snatch - 85
David Spriggs - Open Division
Body Weight - 282
Best Dead Lift - 365
Pull Up - 0
KB Snatch - 80
Friday Training
TGU - 5 min. - Alt. L/R
Pick Your Poison - :30 Work/:30 Rest - 16 min.
Swing Ladders: - 10 min.
Kara and Amber hit 200 with the 16kg, Keith obliterated his old record with 256/24kg, David jumped up a weight and hit 200 with 28kg, Chris hit 242/24kg (nice PR) and Eric nailed 225/24kg. Lots of record breaking as we don't aim for swing records every week. Great job!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Good Article
Here's the link:
"Can You Adjust Your 'Volume'?"